About Us


Building leaders who change the worldMountain top

We believe that the world needs changing!  Poverty, hopelessness, despair, addiction, illiteracy, environmental damage and oppression – all need to be overcome.

But it is people, not systems, that will make the difference – strong, equipped and empowered people leading and influencing in whatever walk of life they may be.

 We help build leaders who will make that difference. 

Our approach

We believe the best way to develop leaders is to:
  • Reflect on the way they currently lead, manage and learn
  • Expose them to research, theory, techniques and models that work elsewhere
  • Apply some of the new knowledge to improve and do things differently
  • Reflect on the results and how they now lead, manage and learn 
                                                                                                       .......and then start again!
 We use consulting, coaching, traditional facilitated learning, action learning, experiential learning, and any other learning technique that works!
But the basic principles are:
  • You are in the chair, you decide what will work for you....
  • We build on what you already know and understand....
  • We work together to find ways you can apply what you have learnt straight away....
  • We encourage you to reflect on what you have learnt, how you will use it in the future, and what benefits you see from your new way of doing things (for yourself and those you lead!)